Our New Location Is

501 Tyson Street

Glenwood, IA.

Welcome to Gary’s Tumbling 


We are a unique power tumbling organization that is quite different from today’s power tumbling organizations. We specialize on developing individuals to tumble without the help of a spring floor or tumble track, we are considered an “Old School Tumbling” program which rely on the use of your own strength on high quality tumbling mats.


 Our main focus is on building body strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, self confidence, safety and most important to have fun!                

Our tumbling program will enhance football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, karate, diving, wresting, cheerleading, and dance skills which are usually performed on a hard surface.


At Gary’s Tumbling we always maintain a positive atmosphere and offer much encouragement to all of our tumblers. So if you already have a tumbler tumbling in the back yard or on the sidewalk and are concerned about them tumbling safe, or someone who is active in another sport/activity and wants their coordination skills enhance give us a call.


Our Gary's Tumbling Gym is Located at

501 Tyson Street

Glenwood, Iowa  51534


Click Here For Class Information 


Click Here For Glenwood Registration Forms