Our Gym Location address is
104 North Vine
Glenwood , Iowa 51534
"Summer Classes" will run May thru July
"Fall Classes" will run September thru April
Gary's Tumbling offer the following classes:
Introductory Tumbling (4-5 year old's only) Classes are 45 minutes once a week $45.00 per month
Beginners Tumbling (6 year old's and up) Classes are 1 hour once a week $45.00 per month
Intermediate Tumbling (6 year old's and up) Classes are 1 hour once a week $45.00 per month
Advance Tumbling (Exhibition Groups) Classes are 1 1/2 hours once a week $60.00 per month
Special Note:
Registration for the Summer and Fall Sessions go on all year,
early registrations are encouraged to get into the program.
There will be a $10 registration fee per Tumbler.
Registration Fee's are non-refundable.
The Registration Fees will be due at the time of sign-up
There will be an $10.00 Late Fee if paid the next month
The forms are available at Gary's Tumbling or by clicking on the "Registration Form" above this page or on our Facebook.
To "Register" simply print out the form and mail it, with the attached $10 registration fee to